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Interactive Petrophysics 4.3 Cra
Mar 22, 2012 — Petrophysical Parameters Evaluation in Unconventional Reservoirs by Well. Logging and Mud Logging Data Interactive Correlation Method. Hrvoje Jurčić, INA Plc, ... 3.0 – 4.3 108 – 53 no NG. 29*. 2. 2.1. 6.0. 1. ... In CRA analysis we used two cut off criteria described with first (Φ >. 0.5 – 3%, Sw < 100 .... 20200560). Online - En ligne (complete volume - volume complet, PDF, 2.48 MB) ... Core versus cuttings samples for geochemical and petrophysical analysis of .... 2.7 Borehole Geophysics and Petrophysical Measurements ..... ......... 85 ... Cra. 11800'. 117'11'. I 1600'. 1 15 001. L. '6100,071 1% C) D- L V--O-Sı. "I. 'AIP'. NO' ... Interactive Computer Methods, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report. 82-1065. ... consideration in a review planned for SCP Activity 72 ... 939c2ea5af